Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Mission of CTE @ CSUSB

The primary mission of the Career and Technical Teacher Education Programs at California State University, San Bernardino is to prepare individuals who have proven skills and abilities in technical, vocational, occupational or professional specialties, to become effective, successful instructors in their own areas of expertise. We strive to develop both instructional skills and leadership potential, to promote high standards of professionalism and to insure that a broad range of educational opportunities are made available to all students interested in pursuing those opportunities. To these ends, we offer course work in four program areas:

Designated Subjects Teaching Credential - for people with at least five years of full time work experience who want to teach their occupation, trade or profession in a Regional Occupational Program, an adult education program, a private post-secondary school, a community college or the state correctional system.

Designated Subjects Supervision/Coordination Credential - for teachers with full-time teaching experience who want to qualify and prepare for supervisory positions in Regional Occupational Programs.

Bachelor of Vocational Education (BVE) Degree - for vocational teachers who need a bachelor's degree for professional advancement.

Master of Arts in Education, Vocational Education Option - for vocational teachers and administrators who need a master's degree for professional advancement.


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